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Sunday, June 28, 2020


Let's just inaugurate today's post by saying sorry to oneself.
I know it might sound monotonous, however, it works.
Let's start by doing a mirror work; standing in front of the mirror and apologizing to the person standing in the mirror; while maintaining eye contact.

Life seldom shows us miracles in a way that we have never envisioned. We all are embroiled in worldly projects of life that we oftentimes forget what we want for ourselves. Thus, we lose our aim, our sense of purpose and intentions. We must confess to oneself for the decisions that did not turn out well for our lives. It's okay to feel penitent at times. But, remember, you did not choose to do it that way. Sometimes broken things can be beautiful too. It's our perception of how we see things.

Today, I am going to begin by saying sorry to myself. It's a great activity to follow; do leave me feedback if you try it out or tell me your thoughts on this.

Sorry for not being there when I needed you the most
Sorry for hating your spirits
Sorry for losing  your focus
Sorry for not loving you
Sorry for insomniac nights
Sorry for being fearful
Sorry for being reluctant
Sorry for not providing self-care
Sorry for not being parsimonious
Sorry for not believing in yourself
Sorry for butchering your confidence
Sorry for not listening to your inner voice
Sorry for not leading through the heart
Sorry for conflicting with your thoughts
Sorry for not trusting your worth
Sorry for not letting vent your feelings
Sorry for not looking after yourself
Sorry for not appreciating your integrity
Sorry for not speaking up against wrongdoings
Sorry for suppressing your anger and emotions
Sorry for not raising your voice against misconduct
Sorry for the nuisance I caused (to my well-being)
Sorry for not permitting you to fly with wide-open wings
Sorry for hating you overtime you saw yourself in the mirror

It's amazing how our lives would get better once we have started to apologize to ourselves and let go of the resentment.
Sorry, the word, has turned my life around. It has not only helped me glow but also helped me dissolve the negativity and hatefulness. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

I am yours and you are mine

I am yours and You are mine 💖 I wish you my life I wish your path is full of joy May hot winds never touch you Bae, I calm my heart with your voice Your one smirk, your one smile, your tipsy stare brightens up my entire world For your one smile, I will sacrifice the whole world I pray all day that no sorrow touch you ever in this world I will drink your sorrows like a sweet drink Tears come out when I see your gloomy face If only I could open up my heart and express my love for you. One day we all leave but behind is our loved ones who will miss us the most. That’s when we know who truly loved us the most. And, I promise, I will love you eternally till I take my last breath. No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart. My morning starts with your smile and night ends with your sweet dreams. I wish I could hug you little tighter I wish I could kiss you little longer I wish I could embrace you little more I wish I could hold your hand forever I wish I could be with you forever and ever Yes, I am yours and you are mine Forever and Ever

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Procrastination Rock's

Most of you know that I was born in August. According to the astrological zodiac sign, I fall under star sign, 
Leo. Being Leo is the best? Umm. That's debatable; sometimes I also don't like being a fire element. It comes with short-temper and no patience.
The fascinating fact being Leo is they are 10000% lazy and procrastination runs in their blood (Mostly it's in my blood, cannot speak for anyone else though). Besides, today is not the day to temporize my unwillingness to write.
I have thought about starting a blog years ago; I even made it in 2011 except was hesitant to write. Heart and brain always had a conflict of interest. I never really understood what I should write about. It was always an idea/thought until yesterday I got up and accepted the challenge to start a new life. Hence, here I am, writing in my blog; thoughts and laptop united once for all to back me up.

I have fought a battle being a procrastinator as it hindered the enjoyment of my life. On the contrary, one thing I have learnt from procrastinating things is, "It's easy done being said."
Yes, you read that correctly. I always thought it's easy said than done but for me, it worked vice-versa. Thanks to Neil Pasricha and his advocacy of being positive.
It's always easy for one to delay things but sometimes we are far too gone and later we realize "Wish I could have done that before." In my opinion, if we start doing what we have to do, we will start looking at life from a different angle.

Things to take away:
- It's okay being lazy but start somewhere. It might take a while to do, but do not give up. Once you start, you would then realize if you would have started it earlier.
- Time flies faster than you know and does not take it for granted
- Do it and Do it Now.

How about you all? What are the things you all have procrastinated until now and then thought "oh! wish I could have done it earlier!"
Let me know, write it down under the comment section. Would love to read your guy's views as well. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Hello All, warm regard.
Welcome to my blog. I hope you would enjoy reading and follow my blog.
This is a big opening letter of my life, the part where I am hoping to share all the personal life experiences. This is a big platform for me to outline my intentions and via this blog, I will do my best to fire up more about what to anticipate.
I am a self-made woman; currently working as a registered nurse. I love what I do.
I am gonna go off-topic for a bit (Just because I have a thought in my mind that I would like to share with you all).
Since the COVID-19 has taken all over the world, suddenly people have realized that health care professionals are "The Real Hero's?" Umm.. well, I am still doing the same job as I was doing before pandemic hit. I have not changed my routine of taking optimal care of my patients. However, the world just realized it now? I guess! Well, to my knowledge Christian Ronaldo or David Beckham was the hero's who were saving people's lives? Oh! more sort of they has been labelled as Entertainments now hey! Not too late to acknowledge though. Yeah, right! a team of health care professionals who actually diagnose their patients and know the treatment?
Well, I am over the moon people have started to pay regard to the Nursing Profession and towards health care professionals. Speaking of which, the abuse continues in the profession. Let me elaborate more on "abuse" word as it could be disputable. Kicking, yelling, throwing dirty attends/pull-ups, slapping nurse's hands during hygiene care, that's what exactly I meant. Rest is the story of another time. Wondering why nurses are still underpaid? Me too hey! I cannot wrap my head around that. Well, we ain't kicking balls like Ronaldo and Beckham's.
This is my blog. I have always wanted to write. However, I never really understood the pattern of writing until now; even though I graduated from University. Hey! English is my second language. So, please bear with me.
In this blog, I would be leading from the heart. You all will come across my "Unfiltered and Blunt Brain Thought."
Apologies in advance if I ever hurt someone's sentiments but this blog is purely a judgement-free.