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Friday, August 28, 2020

Mystery to Goodness

Thankful to my perusers for showering fondness to my blog and convincing me reliably to work my heart out. 

An extensive parcel of you presently understands that I'm functioning as a Registered Nurse and, my new blog is tied in with something that I was told seven days back by an old woman in my work region. 

Old individual: "Poor child, God has made you so Ugly!" 

At the point when the words came out, I ended up undermined, which isn't wonderful and showed up especially supremacists. Additionally, I'm certain the greater part of the individuals will have the underlying idea of accepting the remark as discourteous and supremacist. 

In any case, I reacted and stated, "I am sure you are a benevolent individual someplace inside, and at present, it's essentially your disarray that is expecting power over that, made you think I am made "Revolting" by God. 

Several associates and a nursing teacher close to me valued my concept of transforming an apathetic remark into a positive remark and changing the entire atmosphere around me. 

The whole motivation behind composing the present blog is to react to individuals' presumption that we now and again face upsetting conditions each day, in any case, it's up to us people to see and acknowledge issues. I have consistently grasped myself for who I am and I realize that the negative emotions inside us are ugly. As I did, I may have experienced a cynical procedure, and later I may have demolished my total day by bedding pessimism around myself. Rather, I moved the emanation from negative to positive that conjointly served to de-heighten the circumstance. 

I turned around the critical tone by eliminating negative powers and removing despair from my heart and psyche. To be specific, I accept this is the key to goodness.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Tears of Pain

Tears that fall form heart and cover your soul
I suppose today, it was crucial to observe people around me so that I could make a life decision. My contemporary blog is on how I kept moving forward regardless of what is happening. Now, through this blog, I want to cry with all my heart.

My morning initially began the way I always envisioned. Pearly shining water, dazzling celestial rays, exhilarating moments, meaningful conversations of life, and gentle music as we rode to the lake. The dawn unexpectedly emerged and my marvellous day had begun in agony.

Today I lost myself once more in the depths of misery,
The nagging pain in the heart remained silent,
The words and the suffering went unheard and untold,
Seated in the room alone with puffy eyes,
Thinking where I have gone wrong

Is there something wrong with me?
Was my smile cocky?
Was my robe seductive?
Was my black legging a need to ask for?
Did that bosom tempt you?
Yeah, perhaps that's why you have stared at them for minutes.
Was my body language irresistible?
Wait, I was sitting on the chair, comfortably.
Was I beguiling through my tone of voice?
Still, I was merely talking about how my day was.
Did my clothes describe my character?
Maybe, a round-necked baggy t-shirt uplifted you.
Was my exquisite pair of Mojave-coloured Kayano's were captivating?
Was I invigorating your excitement?
If yes, then how?

If not mentioned above, what was it then?
Why the unwanted touch?
Which got you thinking about my "need?”
Hence, the question has remained unanswered, forever.

Despite that, thank you for showing me the ingenious and naive face of your noble trait. We are working hard and building empires to please members of our society, we gain a name in the world, but somehow we failed to cleanse ourselves and our souls with compassion and empathy.

The burning pain ended with a gentle hand, a warm coffee and reassurance of safety. The night was then wrapped in warm mother hugs and kisses. Princess, once again, bloomed overnight with happiness and love. 

Friday, August 14, 2020

The Antidote of Greed

My today's blog could be a subject of questions and mixed feelings. I am confident that my post can impact the audience on the significance of accepting who we are for and getting settled with our skin. Nevertheless, the articulation of considerations and remarks are exceptionally valued. Please enjoy the read.

 Dalai Lama said, “The true antidote of greed is contentment. If you have a strong sense of contentment, it doesn’t matter whether you obtain the objective or not; either way, you are content."

Over the years, I have observed that many of us are not content with our skin. We now and again talk about accepting ourselves as we are and, yet we go out and glamorize ourselves with a pinch of sugar and spice.
For instance, people have started going under the cutting edge to look more energetic. A few of us have gone through skin lightening treatments, bosom enhancements, botox treatments, or implant surgeries (either butt, bosom or dental - just FYI California doctors are best for inserts on the off chance that somebody is needing to complete it).

We have engaged ourselves in a race of wanting more to suffice the wants of society. Along these lines, we disregard to acknowledge ourselves how we are and how we take a gander at ourselves.
The sorry reality about human existence is that we are not a similar individual to everyone around us. We must keep in mind that not everybody will like us, and such is reality. In this illusionary world, let's not detach ourselves and claim to be some else; somebody who isn’t us. Individuals see what they want to see, we don’t need to portray ourselves as another person. We should simply acknowledge ourselves as who we may be.

Self-acknowledgment accompanies inward acknowledgment and causing harmony with what we do have and what we don't have. It's rare. We attempt to decorate ourselves from outside, yet we disregard that genuine beautification lies inside.
Contentment, once achieved, is the most noteworthy form of Happiness as we look past the wants of needing more throughout everyday life.

Friday, August 7, 2020

I asked for coffee not your opinion

Seldom I question myself, why people in our community believe that they are more superior to anyone else?

I don't get why everyone on this planet is engaged in a competition to reach on top!
People, nowadays, are willing to go to an extent to bring someone down. It's difficult to describe what makes an individual think that they are more powerful than anyone else around them.
Is that because they have an ego?
Is it about an attitude?
Or, maybe is it jealousy that is causing attitude and ego? It often becomes challenging to distinguish between the two. Thanks to our fickle-minded brain.

Today, I ask for your guidance to help me understand the concept of Egoism. What makes an individual egocentric? Why everyone is all about "I", "Me" or, "Myself."
Is it because of Money?
Is it because of Superiority?
Is it because of the Elite rank in society?
Is it because of the executive leadership position at the workplace?
Is it because one has achieved a terminal degree (the highest level of academic degree)?
Is it because you manage to live a fanciable life?
Is it because you have high-end automobiles?
Is it because you wear nothing except glamorous attires?

Who am I though? Everyone works hard towards their dream goals; not just one person does. Then, why so much ego? Why everyone presumes they are wiser than anyone else in the room. Habitually, we neglect to understand the second person and, we end up suggesting them our ways to live life.
Umm, sorry? I actually did not ask for that advice. Sadly, this is the reality we live in. We have chosen not to listen to our parents or guardians for any life lessons (most of the time witnessed in families). In this day and age, everyone is smart enough to know how to live their own life, and, if by chance, a lifestyle suggestion is proposed, people are offended. This concept is beyond my understanding. How about for one moment we acknowledge what's being said. Maybe that's for our own betterment. One must be versatile and receptive to feedback.

Every person has the right to live their own lives based on their desires and demands. It's an individual's discretion if they want to stay low- profile or high maintenance. I find it unnecessary to advise someone on how everybody should live their lives. Then why so much criticism?

There is a reason we have The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom (If anyone is not familiar with rights; here is the link you can copy and paste:

The turnover! How about we fuel up our souls with love and kindness for all. We often forget to see the perspective of the second person and what they have been through their lives. We, as human beings, have no right to disgrace any kind. Accept how others live, embrace the flaws, behaviours, ethics and personalities shared by all people. No one is perfect; neither you nor me.
Hence, one should possess a contentment trait for what they have and for what they deserve.

Thank you once again for giving a quick read to my blog.
If anyone knows the answer to my random thought, please drop me a comment.